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How to Adjust Ender 3 Z Offset

How to Adjust Ender 3 Z Offset

We all want our prints and projects to come out exactly as planned- that is one of the perks of 3D printing after all. So when a lopsided, crooked or even squashed looking print comes off your Ender 3D Pro… it is definitely not the kind of result you wanted. Lucky for you it is a fairly easy fix with the Z offset function.
Z Offset function is what sets your printing platform to a level and solid base, allows your print to have the filament printed correctly on top of the last layer, and enables you to create complicated prints. With that, we will run through a series of adjustments and features that could take your printing to the next level with the Ender 3 and Ender 3 Pro.

Adjust the Limit Switch

Check your mechanics before you start altering the digital printing. The stock printers occasionally come preset too high. Rendering any digital adjustments completely useless. Physically adjusting the Z axis switch- which keeps the machine from overextending or damaging itself- which will result in a level bed and better projects. Additionally you will need to adjust the limit switch when changing filament materials or when a new bed is installed.

How to Adjust the Limit Switch?

  • Loosen leveling knobs underneath the bed halfway.
  • Loosen plate screws the limit switch is attached to.
  • Move limit switch up and down aluminum support bar- total removal may be required.
  • Once desired height is achieved- tighten screws.
  • When the rotation of the Z-axis all thread is done, lower the nozzle until the limit switch clicks. If nozzle hits bed prior to click- raise limit switch.
  • Once nozzle touches the bed, tighten the screws.
  • Final bed leveling

Altering the G Code

This is the advanced option and we recommend working with the limit switch first and then moving on to the slicer adjustments. Altering the G Coding is a solid way to change things, but also a surefire way to mess things up even more if you have no idea what to do.

How to Alter the G Code?

Useful G Codes that may be helpful in this scenario of adjustments.

  • G28 Z0 : This moves the Z-axis back into its home position.
  • G29 : Auto-bed-leveling- only possible if the leveling device is attached and ready to use. If not attached, this will do nothing.
  • G1 Z3 F5000: Moves Z position up 3mm from prior position.
    • G1 - primes machine to move
    • Z3 - distance and axis to move around.
    • F5000 - speed of the adjustment
  • G92 Z0.3 - this will make the machine assume the print bed is a lower setting than it truly is if you want this to change to a raised number anything after the Z must be input as negative.

Slicer Adjustment

Z offset function is typically a preset number that comes with the Ender 3 Pro. However, if there is no Z offset function, you have the ability to download the software with Cura or another platform of your choice. Once you have it, the adjustment is simply changing the value. Negative for the nozzle to get closer to the bed, positive to draw it away.
It is important to note- do NOT hit the limit switch again. You will need to start over.

These three adjustments will help get your Offset in the correct position for printing and creating your new projects. If these fail OR you mess up the G settings- simply reset the entire machine and move through the steps without playing around with G settings. If you have any suggestions- or have tried these solutions and found success, we would love to hear your suggestions!

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